
Welcome to IntelliPresence

This project was developed by Luciano Chetan along with a team of passionate social workers, gerontologist and other professionals from the healthcare industry.

For the past 20 years Luciano has lead several Healthcare companies from start-up to successful exits. With a graduate degree in social sciences and psychology he has seen first-hand the emotional and psychological challenges that come from taking care of an older family member.

Simple and intuitive

Because older generations or people with disabilities have difficulties learning new technologies, we developed this platform that requires no learning curve and the user interaction is simple and intuitive.

Our Passion

Our passion is to provide a system for any family member to be able to stay connected and share life with their loved ones while respecting their privacy and dignity.  It is from our individual experiences that we have recognized the need to create a new way for families to connect and share life moments.

Our Goal

We know it is human nature to feel guilty when you cannot be present to care for a family member in need. Our goal is for IntelliPresence to offer a simple solution that is affordable and versatile.

We are already working hard to bring you additional features to enhance your user experience. We will soon create a Community Section where we welcome your feedback for future functionalities.
